Self-assessment test
If you’re worried that gambling has a significant negative influence on your everyday life, answer the following questions and find out if it’s time to seek help.
Do you view gambling only as a source of income?
Has anyone criticised your gambling enthusiasm or called you a gambling addict?
When you gamble, do you neglect your basic needs (eating, sleeping, etc.)?
Did you start gambling because you had been bored or sad for a long time?
Do failures and disappointments force you to gamble?
Is it common for you to gamble alone for a long period of time?
Being excited by gambling, do you neglect your work and study at university?
Did you have to lie intentionally about the amount of money or time wasted on gambling?
Did you steal, sell possessions, avoid paying bills, or borrow money in order to continue gambling?
Do you reluctantly spend money intended for gambling on something else?
Are you no more interested in your loved ones, friends, or hobbies due to gambling?
After losing, do you feel like trying to win back your losses as soon as possible?
Is it difficult for you to stop gambling when you are overcome by emotions?
If you run out of money while gambling, do you become demoralised and feel like starting to gamble again as soon as possible?
Do you gamble to the last penny even without leaving yourself a little bit for a cup of coffee?
Have you been depressed or thought of committing suicide due to gambling?
How often do you gamble?
How old are you?
Your gender
You should definitely revise your gambling habits. Consider taking some time off gambling sites or even self-excluding.
Your gambling habits are a cause for concern. Consider talking to a specialist. Here are some free counselling services:
There might be some problems with your gambling habits. Consider using Deposit Limits to stay in control of the situation.
Well done! You keep your gambling in check.